me and alan have been arguing and its been getting worse and worse as have our money probs but he refuses to sell anything of his and thinks i should get rid of all my stuff and refuses to loose things like sky or the net or house phone etc cos of he's enjoying living the life even though we're living outside of our means.
he wants me to go back to work but he works all night and sleeps all day and so zach would have to go to nursery and then id be working to pay someone else to look after my kid and have no money left OR he'd go to his nan's which is out of the question for several reasons.
anyway, it feels like he's a child and im the only adult in the house and so i try and take control of the situation like an adult and he throws a tantrum and sulks and makes life even harder! i just dont know what to do anymore for the best.
our arguing is starting to affect zach aswell which breaks my heart it's so sad. is it better to just leave?
if i leave then i'll be living off the state and i hate when people do that if they dont need to. ive tried talking to him but he doesn't listen or he doesn't absorb it so what can i do?!
i dont even know if i love him anymore the way he's been treating me and zach (when he's nice i know i love him but its been so long since he was...). i cant cope as it is let alone when the new baby is born and hes the one who wanted both the kids, i was happy to wait for years or whatever and do things properly so why am i the one suffering for ALL of his choices?! all my furniture was either gifts or bought out of my inheritence and if i move out he's claiming he wants half as it is i'll prob have to sell most of it to pay his £8 grand debt! i just can't believe how rubbish things have got over time! he doesn't discuss money stuff with me, he makes all the decisions and then expects me to pay for them all!
im just so tired of it all, is it better to just leave or to stay and try and work things out?! what would you do if this were your situation?!